Posted in My Story.., Pop

just happy, I guess.

One day, dari sebuah serial hollywood favoritku, aku dengar satu pernyataan yang simple tapi sangat mencerahkan.

Ceritanya, ada beberapa tokoh yang sedang terlibat pembicaraan. Salah satu dari mereka kemudian bertanya kepada yang lain,

what do you want in your life?”

Lalu, di antara mereka ada yang menjawab, ” just happy, I guess.”

It’s simple. Tapi buatku itu sangat berkesan. Karena kebanyakan dari kita ketika ditanya pertanyaan yang sama akan menjawab semua yang dicita-citakannya dalam hidup. Gak salah memang, it’s natural and supposed to be. Hanya aja, kebanyakan dari kita lupa, apapun yang kita miliki dan lakukan nantinya gak akan punya arti ketika gak ada unsur kebahagiaan di dalamnya. Notice that.

Aku gak mencoba idealis atau normatif, hanya menekankan dalam diriku bahwa kebahagiaan adalah motor yang menggerakkan semangat dan memberikan motivasi dalam hidup.

So, what I want in my life?
For me, not only to achieved the things that I dreamed of. but also being able of feeling happy do what I do, and have what I have.
And for me, doesn’t really matter whether I got the things that I dreamed of or not, but also being able doing and having the things that make me happy.

So, what things would make me happy?
Let’s find out and see.

Posted in Beautiful Words, Pop

our heart

there's always another heart..
there's always another heart..

One day, the body asked the heart. When I’m hurt the doctor heals it but if you’re hurt then who will heal you? Then the heart said, I have to heal by myself. Is it because of that whenever someone is hurt, they have their own special way of healing it? Drinking, singing, releasing anger, laughing, crying, going to trips with friends and talking with them, and running in the marathon… or the worst thing, just ignoring that pain.

(My Lovely Sam Soon)


Nice analogy.

Maybe our heart has its on way to heal itself, or maybe there’d be some special medications from another heart to cure the pain. I believe in both.

Posted in Beautiful Words, Just for Fun, Pop

Lines to Remember from Dawson’s Creek

These are nice lines  from Series Finale of Dawson’s Creek.

Lily :          what is a soulmate?

Dawson : It’s like a best friend but more. It’s like one person in the world who knows u better than anyone else.  It’s someone who makes u a better person. Actually, they don’t make u a better person, u do by yourself because they inspire u.  Soul mate is someone who u carry with u forever.  It’s the one person who knew u and accepted u and believed in u before anyone else did or no one else would.  And no matter what happens u will always love them.  Nothing could ever change that.  Understand?

Joey: Dreams aren’t perfect, Dawson. They come true, not free.

Dawson: Nicely put.

Joey: Someone famous said it.

Jen: Hi, Amy, it’s mom. Well, by the time you see this, I won’t be here anymore, and I know how much that sucks, for both of us. So seeing as how I won’t be around to thoroughly annoy you, I thought I would give you a little list of the things that I wish for you. Well, there’s the obvious. An education. Family. Friends. And a life that is full of the unexpected. Be sure to make mistakes. Make a lot of them, because there’s no better way to learn and to grow, all right? And, um, I want you to spend a lot of time at the ocean, because the ocean forces you to dream, and I insist that you, my girl, be a dreamer. God. I’ve never really believed in god. In fact, I’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to disprove that god exists. But I hope that you are able to believe in god, because the thing that I’ve come to realize, sweetheart… is that it just doesn’t matter if god exists or not. The important thing is for you to believe in something, because I promise you that that belief will keep you warm at night, and I want you to feel safe always. And then there’s love. I want you to love to the tips of your fingers, and when you find that love, wherever you find it, whoever you choose, don’t run away from it. But you don’t have to chase after it either. You just be patient, and it’ll come to you, I promise, and when you least expect it, like you, like spending the best year of my life with the sweetest and the smartest and the most beautiful baby girl in the world. You don’t be afraid, sweetheart. And remember, to love is to live.

Dawson: Yeah. This writer has decided it doesn’t matter how it ends… because fiction is fiction, and for the first time, in a long time… [Sighs] My life is real. It doesn’t matter who ends up with who. Because in some unearthly way… it’s always gonna be you and me.

Joey: Soul mates.

Dawson: What we have goes beyond friendship, beyond lovers. It’s forever.